The Evolution of Triage

Introducing Florence
The Future of Triage
- Florence performs a full GP service on the Alexa platform – going to the doctor is now as simple as asking Alexa!
- The current version is limited to Q&A and diagnostic recommendations – prescribing, ordering tests, etc, are subject to regional licensing requirements.
- It is available with the full approval of the health authority in each country where Florence works.
- Florence functions in any language supported by the platform (Google, Apple, etc), opening up all significant markets.
- Tailored versions can be made available to triage specific diseases – Covid, for example, reducing stress on local facilities when necessary.
- Florence updates itself with new information and diagnostics from the latest developments in each area, ensuring up to date advice.
- Florence is the future of Triage, and far, far more – Worldwide.

The Roadmap
Coming Soon…

Product Version
The current model uses a limited amount of Decision Trees. For the production version, we use hundreds of DT’s, and the product is field tested under the supervision of medical personnel.

Enhanced Version
This version weighs the “Certainty” that a user has shown in response to a question, and decides upon subsequent questions based upon the certainty weighting given to earlier responses, enabling a probability factor for the diagnosis.

Platform Independence - Google, Apple, Phone, Web.. .
The technology is required on other platforms. The rollout to other platforms is facilitated by the modular design, and adding new languages technically a quick process. Improvements and enhancements from the field are easily incorporated into the core design.

Country, and Language Rollout
With multiple, mature field tested platforms, the app can now be enabled in the other languages supported by the platforms, ready for rollout to other markets. Alexa itself supports English, French, German, Italian, Japanese, Portugese and Spanish, with Google and Apple platforms each supporting more languages.
Minor modifications cater for the variances between the health models in use – Bismarck (Europe), Beveridge (UK), NHI Single Payer (Asia), and Private (US).

Full Service: Check Stats, Order Tests, Write Prescriptions
The algorithms know what to do when a diagnosis is made, and when tests are required to support the diagnosis. These can be ordered by the application and acted upon as soon as the results are available.
Similarly, prescriptions can be authorised and automatically cross checked with existing conditions and meds with local regulatory approval.
Florence has been designed to be easy to build

Diagnostic Module
The current version performs the Q&A with the patient to enable the effective diagnosis of the symptoms presented.

Patient Module
The Patient/Case Module, where all data pertaining to a patient or case can be reviewed and made available, and provides full GDPR compliance.

Prescription Module
This module generates prescriptions tailored to the patients needs, based upon the diagnosis, common treatments and known allergies or addictions, forwarding scripts to the appropriate dispensing organisation, where appropriate.

Testing Module
Orders Tests from appropriate suppliers – Nurse, Lab, In House – Chases and manages Results, confirms or rejects diagnoses, and Tracks Test Costs.
Covid has changed healthcare delivery forever

Covid has changed how people expect to receive healthcare.
Now, they no longer expect to receive face to face care from their provider.

Covid has changed the urgency with which people need medical attention – Waiting lists don’t work here.
Urgent triage is needed to resolve between isolation, seek immediate attention and testing – or proceed to hospital for intensive care.

Covid Triage has to be immediate, accurate and effective, based upon proven, timely updated principles directly from the front line.
Florence can provide updates from the front line to triage stations, countrywide, in minutes.

Covid has created the ideal conditions for acceptance of Florence as a healthcare delivery mechanism. Patients need immediate assistance, which only Florence can deliver, 24/7.
There has never been a better time for Florence to enter the market.

Florence has been built on firm foundations
- Florence has been built upon a solid legal foundation, engaging experts in their respective fields to ensure the appropriate legal basis in each region.
- Florence supports four monetisation models, enabling easier implementation in each region’s health model.
- Florence has been created by professionals with a track record of delivery at national and international levels across continents – some things have to work from day one!
- Florence has a clearly documented roadmap to provide a complete medical service, diagnosing, requesting and reading tests, issuing prescriptions, requesting emergency attention – all in conjunction with each country’s medical authority.
- Florence Technology is registered in Ireland to enable full access to the Single European Market, but can provide its services anywhere in conjunction with local qualified partners.
Want to know more?
How to get in touch

Email us at [email protected]

Call us now on +44 7802 863 004
Copyright 2020, Florence Technology Ltd, c/o 13 Wavertree Rd, London E18 1BL